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AM logo.png

Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (logo pictured), sometimes abbreviated as AMPS, is the foundation of Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar for which he is best known. Sarkar founded this global, socio-spiritual organization in Jamalpur, Bihar, India in 1955. From 1955 until his death in 1990, Sarkar frequently expanded the scope of AMPS and continually adjusted its inner workings.

The structural side of AMPS is the hierarchical command structure. It mostly consists of wholetimers (WTs) and local full-timers (LFTs). WTs are the renunciates of AMPS, either brahmacarii/brahmacarinii (novice renunciates) or avadhuta/avadhutika (senior renunciates). LFTs are mostly young margiis who have successfully undergone some training but are not (yet) prepared to commit to a life of celibacy. In fact, LFTs may continue in that capacity even after marriage.

AMPS workers in the command structure (WTs, LFTs, and PKBs) are bound by some additional conduct rules that the general margiis do not have. Not only that, WTs have many more rules than LFTs and PKBs. These additional conduct rules mostly pertain to the standard of organizational discipline expected of these workers, but they also demand a very high standard of character and a universal social outlook.

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