Procedure for Eating

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Procedure for Eating is the 2nd chapter of Ananda Marga Caryacarya Part 3 written by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar.[1] Here Sarkar instructed procedure of eating.

Chapter synopsis

This chapter is divided into three parts—

Procedure for Eating

In this chapter Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar instructed the procedure of eating.

Vyapaka shaoca before eating

Sarkar instructed, before eating one should do vyápaka shaoca properly with cold water. If the environment is extremely cold, one may use lukewarm water.

The procedure of this vyapaka shaoca is—
wash the arms, the face, the legs, the neck and the genital organs. Then, keeping the eyes wide open, hold a mouthful of water and gently splash the eyes a minimum of twelve times.

Inviting others to share food

Before sitting down to eat, one should hatever persons are present around you and share your food with them. If they do not want to share, enquire whether they have enough food with them or not.

Eating procedure

While eating one should sit in a comfortable position. It is better to eat in company than to eat alone. One should not sit down to eat in a disturbed mind or angry mood.



Only those people who will have a strong desire for meat-eating and who need to eat meat out of necessity will eat meat only from a male or castrated animal. No one should knowingly eat the meat of a female animal. Domestic female fowl should not be eaten as well.

Sarkar instructed not to kill a fish which is one-fourth or less of its normal adult size. He also told not to kill a fish if it is in its infancy or its pregnancy.


Preceded by
Ananda Marga Caryacarya Part 3
With: Procedure for Eating
Succeeded by