

Welcome to Sarkarverse — a website dedicated to the works of Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar and his works — the Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar universe. If you have any question, feel free to contact the Help desk. Here are a few links to pages you might find helpful:

Again, welcome!
Tito Dutta (talk) 04:11, 14 October 2013 (MDT)

Sarkarverse bulletin 1 November 2013

Sarkarverse Bulletin



Issue: 1 • Date: 1 November 2013

Greetings Welcome to the inaugural edition of Sarkarverse Bulletin, Sarkarverse's fortnightly newsletter. We're sending you the first edition of this opt-in newsletter, because you signed up, or have shown interest in Sarkarverse. To receive future updates of Saarkarverse Bulletin, please subscribe (or unsubscribe) the bulletin.

  • Sarkarverse launched: On 21 October 2013, Sarkarverse was launched by Ananda Marga senior monk Abhidevananda Avadhuta. The initial work of the encyclopedia began on 7 October 2013.
  • Sarkarverse reaches 500 articles: On 26 October 2013, Sarkarverse reached 500 articles. As of 1 November 2013 (2013-11-01) Sarkarverse has 936 articles.
  • Deluge of spam: On 27 October 2013 Sarkarverse faces a serious spam attack and saw more than 150 new accounts those were created to write spam articles and insert external links in Sarkarverse articles. All 150+ accounts were quickly blocked and new account creation in Sarkarverse was temporarily disabled. Account creation was re-enabled on 28 October.
  • Ongoing discussions: Ongoing discussions on Sarkarverse policies and guidelines planning may be seen at Sarkarverse:Policies and guidelines planning. Feel free join and share your opinion there (Maps and categoriesProjects)
  • Portal:Quiz: On 30 October 2013 Sarkarverse launched Portal:Quiz — a recreational portal of the encyclopedia. Any registered user may ask or ask questions here, but all questions must be connected to Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar.
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TitoDutta 07:18, 1 November 2013 (MDT)

Sandbox mw

  1. "Sandbox" link is not appearing at upper right corner
  2. Please enable shortcut mw:Main page TitoDutta 06:07, 20 November 2013 (MST)

Sarkarverse Bulletin 2014 March 14

Sarkarverse Bulletin



Issue: 2• Date: 2014 March 14

Greetings Welcome to the second edition of Sarkarverse Bulletin, Sarkarverse's fortnightly newsletter. We're sending you the second edition of this opt-in newsletter, because you signed up, or have shown interest in Sarkarverse. To receive future updates of Saarkarverse Bulletin, please subscribe (or unsubscribe) the bulletin.

  • Sarkarverse in three more languages: On 2014 March 21, Sarkarverse was made available in three additional languages. Besides our English version, we now have:
  1. Bengali
  2. French
  3. Hindi
  • MediaWiki upgrade:: Sarkarverse's platfrom MediaWiki was upgraded from MW 1.21 to MW 1.22 in the first week of March. This upgrade brought both benefits and hassles. With the upgrade, we got a faster site, some errors were fixed — these were benefits. The upgrade also brought some new errors, and we had to update a series of modules and templates — these were hassles.
  • Scribunto Lua— No more: Scribunto is a core extension of MediaWiki that uses the Lua programming language. From the very first day we have been facing difficulties with this extension. In mid-November (2013) it was fixed. Now the error is back, and it is affecting hundreds of pages and templates. Our volunteers are working to fix it.
  • Lack of editors: Although Sarkarverse is going to be 5 months' old this March, the site is still badly lacking active editors. If you are not engaged with editing, please consider helping out.
  • Sarkarverse social news: Sarkarverse Facebook page touched 350 likes on March 14.
Follow us
  on Facebook   on Google Plus, on   on Twitter,   on Google Groups

TitoDutta 23:28, 13 March 2014 (MDT)