Revision as of 11:07, 24 April 2014 by T12 (talk | contribs) (→‎Rurapuk mothers: Adding more details)

AMURTEL Peru or Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team Ladies Peru is an international volunteer organisation that works to help improve the standard of women's and child's living. It is one of the oldest AMURTEL centres.[1]

AMURTEL logo.png
Type Non-governmental organization
Legal status Foundation
Headquarters Peru
Official languages English
Secretary General Kristine Richards
Location in Sarkarverse
SVmap OwnFoundations.png


AMURTEL Peru was started to meet the needs of the people of Paraiso Alto, an impoverished region in Lima, Peru. The area has no running water, sewage system, or access to health facilities.


AMURTEL Peru has worked/is working in the following projects—


Rurapuk is a social program in the community of Paraiso Alto, Peru created with the hope of improving the lives of the children, teens and families of this community. Rurapuk prorams has the following parts

Rurapuk Mothers

Rurapuk Mothers is a program that offers employment and empowerment to poor women from the local community. The women can work from home, knitting a variety of small finger puppets that are sold to schools and individuals. Currently 20 women have been employed in this project.

Rurapuk Hot Lunch

Machu Picchu Stars
