Bangla O Bangali

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Bangla O Bangali is a book of Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. The book mainly focused on his works and writings on Bengal, culture of Bengal and Bengali people. The book was first published on 5 March 1988 in one volume. The book was enlarged and published in two volumes on 26 January 1997. The third edition of the book was published on 4 December 2011.

Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar dedicated the book to the "first visitors of Ananda Nagar". He wrote in the dedication page of the book—

Bengali: আনন্দনগরে যখন দিনদুপুরে শেয়াল ডাকত তখন যঁআরা সেখানে মাটির পিদিমে দেলের সলতেয় সন্ধ্যাদ্বীপ জ্বেলে এসেছিলেন, তাঁদের নামে—
