Kon alor rajya hate esecho

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Kon alor rajya hate esecho is the 685th song of Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's Prabhat Samgiita.[1][2]

Kon alor rajya hate esecho
PrabhatSamgiita trilokesh.png
Music and lyrics
by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
Song number 0685
Date 1983 July 21
Place Madhukoraka, Kolkata
Theme Neohumanism
Lyrics Bengali
Music Kaharva (fast)
Audio <flashmp3>https://sarkarverse.org/PS/1-999-f/___685%20KON%20A%27LOR%20RA%27JYA%20HOTE.mp3</flashmp3>
⚠ Note
None of the information in this article or in the links therefrom should be deemed to provide the right to reuse either the melody or the lyrics of any Prabhat Samgiita song without prior permission from the copyright holder.
Location in Sarkarverse
SVmap LiteraryWorks.png


Roman script[nb 1] Bengali script Translation

Kon álor rájya hate esecho
Maner mádhurii bhare dite
Mamatár madhu d́hele dite
Práńer pasará niye háte

Áji mor mará gáuṋe jegeche je ván
Puśpita parága aphurán
Hiyá bhará sure táne gán
Sabáre ápan kare nite

Áji mor keká pika paiṋcame gáy
Báṋdh bháuṋá udvelatáy
Surer saritá bahe jáy
Suśamár sudhá niye sáthe

কোন্‌ আলোর রাজ্য হতে এসেছো
মনের মাধুরী ভরে দিতে
মমতার মধু ঢেলে দিতে
প্রাণের পসরা নিয়ে হাতে

আজি মোর মরা গাঙে জেগেছে যে বান
পুষ্পিত পরাগ অফুরান
হিয়া-ভরা সুরে তানে গান
সবারে আপন করে নিতে

আজ মোর কেকা-পিক পঞ্চমে গায়
বাঁধ-ভাঙা উদ্বেলতায়
সুরের সরিতা বহে যায়
সুষমার সুধা নিয়ে সাথে

From what kingdom of light have You arrived,
To fill all minds with sweetness,
To pour the nectar of affection,
Taking on the burdens of life!

Today, on my dry riverbed a flood has arisen,
A flood of never-ending flower pollen.
In melodic notes comes a soulful ode
To carry one and all, making them our own.

Today, my long-tailed cuckoo's call intones a perfect fifth,[nb 2]
Bursting all barriers with exuberant emotion.
A stream of melody goes on flowing,
Bearing ambrosia of exquisite beauty.


  1. ^ For details on the notation, see Roman Bengali transliteration.
  2. ^ The koel is a long-tailed cuckoo. The name of the bird is onomatopoeic, deriving from the sound of its call. Because of its long tail, it may be conceived of as a hybrid of the peacock with the cuckoo. The imagery in this line is of a peacock, presumably the egoistic mind, singing like a cuckoo, widely considered to be the only bird that sings true music intervals, musical progressions that can be reproduced on a piano. In this case, the peacock call is in the "cuckoo's note", the perfect fifth, possibly symbolic of complete harmony with the Supreme. It should be noted that in nature (in real life), the peacock does not generally sing so sweetly and harmonically as the cuckoo.


  1. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan (2016) Prabhat Samgiita – Songs 601-700 Translated by Acarya Abhidevananda Avadhuta Tel Aviv: AmRevolution, Inc. ASIN B01N1T7ZF0 ISBN 9781386095170 
  2. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan (1994) Acarya Vijayananda Avadhuta, ed. Prabhat Samgiita Volume 2 (in Bengali) (2nd ed.) Kolkata: Ananda Marga Publications ISBN 81-7252-084-0 


Preceded by
Jinaner jagate khunjechi tomare
Prabhat Samgiita
With: Kon alor rajya hate esecho
Succeeded by
Ami tomay cini tomay daki