Manete esecho tumi is the 1642nd song of Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's Prabhat Samgiita.[1][2]

Manete esecho tumi
Music and lyrics
by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
Song number 1642
Date 1984 July 28
Place Madhumalainca, Kolkata
Theme Contemplation
Lyrics Bengali
Music Unknown
⚠ Note
None of the information in this article or in the links therefrom should be deemed to provide the right to reuse either the melody or the lyrics of any Prabhat Samgiita song without prior permission from the copyright holder.
Location in Sarkarverse


Roman script[nb 1] Bengali script Translation

Manete esecho tumi
Manei diyecho dhará (tumi)
Maner gopál manomájhe theke
Bhuvane rayecho bhará

Manke karecho udvel tumi
Rúpe rase náce gáne
Se chot́e asiimer páne
Vasudhár kśudhá amarár sudhá
Ekete átmahárá

Manke karecho unmaná tumi
Cira nútaner t́áne
Se chot́e ananta páne
Vasudhár siimá amará garimá
Hayeche svayamvará

মনেতে এসেছ তুমি
মনেই দিয়েছ ধরা (তুমি)
মনের গোপাল মনোমাঝে থেকে'
ভুবনে রয়েছ ভরা

মনকে করেছ উদ্বেল তুমি
রূপে রসে নাচে গানে
সে ছোটে অসীমের পানে
বসুধার ক্ষুধা অমরার সুধা
একেতে আত্মহারা

মনকে করেছ উন্মনা তুমি
চির নূতনের টানে
সে ছোটে অনন্ত পানে
বসুধার সীমা অমরা গরিমা
হয়েছে স্বয়ম্বরা

Inside the mind You have arrived;
Embrace You've granted only within mind.
Psychic Gopal,[nb 2] dwelling at the mind's core,
You have been diffused throughout the cosmos.

You have made the mind effusive...
With grace and affection, dance and song,
It races toward the Infinite.
Earth's craving and heaven's nectar,
They get lost and become one.

You have made the mind distracted...
Under lure of the always-novel,
It races toward the Limitless.
Earth's border and heaven's greatness,
They have become wedded.[nb 3]


  1. ^ For details on the notation, see Roman Bengali transliteration.
  2. ^ Literally, Gopal means cowherd. But in context it is a nickname for Krsna while growing up in Vrndavan.
  3. ^ Svayamvará signifies a girl choosing a husband on her own. So here the image is of Earth opting for the glory of heaven.


  1. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan (2020) Prabhat Samgiita Songs 1601-1700 Translated by Acarya Abhidevananda Avadhuta (2nd ed.) Tel Aviv: AmRevolution, Inc. ASIN B08HY4FFZ2 ISBN 9781393645771 
  2. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan (1999) Acarya Vijayananda Avadhuta, ed. Prabhat Samgiita Volume 4 (in Bengali) (2nd ed.) Kolkata: Ananda Marga Publications ISBN 81-7252-160-X 

Musical notations


As the original notation for this song is not available, there is no way to validate any recorded melody. In all probability, it might not be authentic.

Preceded by
Candanasare manthana kare
Prabhat Samgiita
With: Manete esecho tumi
Succeeded by
Nandita tumi vandita tumi