Diner aloy kena aso ni

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Diner aloy kena aso ni
PrabhatSamgiita trilokesh.png
Music and lyrics
by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
Song number 0501
Date 1983 May 11
Place Madhumalainca, Kolkata
Theme Contemplation
Lyrics Bengali
Music Kaharva, Chaiti
⚠ Note
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Diner aloy kena aso ni is the 501st song of Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's Prabhat Samgiita.[1][2]


Roman script[nb 1] Bengali script Translation

Diner áloy kena áso ni
Ráter áṋdháre tumi esecho
Sukher dinete dekhá dáo ni
Duhkher ráte bhálobesecho

Ákáshe ujjvala tárá
Parivesh rddhite bhará
Takhan tomár dekhá pái ni
Sab háránor pare sántvaná diyecho

Madhumáse caetáli váy
Pulake shiharań jágáy
Takhan tomáke káche pái ni
Tiivra dáhane sáthe shiitalatá enecho

দিনের আলোয় কেন আসো নি
রাতের আঁধারে তুমি এসেছো
সুখের দিনেতে দেখা দাও নি
দুঃখের রাতে ভালোবেসেছো

আকাশে উজ্জ্বল তারা
পরিবেশ ঋদ্ধিতে ভরা
তখন তোমার দেখা পাই নি
সব হারানোর পরে সান্ত্বনা দিয়েছো

মধুমাসে চৈতালি বায়
পুলকে শিহরণ জাগায়
তখন তোমাকে কাছে পাইনি
তীব্র দাহনে সাথে শীতলতা এনেছো

Why did You not come by daylight;
You've come only at dark of night.
On days of joy, no sighting You bestow;
But on my nights of sorrow, You did dote.

When stars shone bright in the sky,
And fortune thrived on every side,
Then I got no glimpse of Thee;
After all was lost, then You've eased my grief.

When Chaitra's[nb 2] vernal breeze blows in,
With goosebumps, thrills are awakened.
Then, I did not find You near;
Along with heat extreme, You have brought relief.


  1. ^ For details on the notation, see Roman Bengali transliteration.
  2. ^ Madhumás (মধুমাস) is another name for Chaitra, which is the first month of the Hindu calendar and the last month of the Bengali calendar. It is associated with the end of winter and the coming of spring. Also associated with the month of Chaitra is a semi-classical music form, Caeti (চৈতি) or Chaiti, literally meaning "of Chaitra". The melodies of Chaiti are derived in part from folk songs. The theme of Chaiti is generally romantic love.


  1. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan (2019) Prabhat Samgiita Songs 501-600 Translated by Acarya Abhidevananda Avadhuta (3rd ed.) Tel Aviv: AmRevolution, Inc. ASIN B082X65YMB ISBN 9781386728276 
  2. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan (1994) Acarya Vijayananda Avadhuta, ed. Prabhat Samgiita Volume 2 (in Bengali) (2nd ed.) Kolkata: Ananda Marga Publications ISBN 81-7252-084-0 

Musical notations


Preceded by
Tumi je phul diyacho bhariya
Prabhat Samgiita
With: Diner aloy kena aso ni
Succeeded by
Diner shese ghumer deshe