Kata kache chilo se je

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Kata kache chilo se je
PrabhatSamgiita trilokesh.png
Music and lyrics
by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
Song number 3071
Date 1985 August 27
Place Madhumalainca, Kolkata
Theme Contemplation
Lyrics Bengali
Music Dadra
⚠ Note
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Kata kache chilo se je is the 3071st song of Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's Prabhat Samgiita.[1][2]


Roman script[nb 1] Bengali script Translation

Kata káche chilo se je
Ájke kata dúr
Se ki phirbe ná
Káche ásbe ná
Ájo áche maner májhe
Smrtite bharpur
Kathá se ki kaibe ná

Kata sharat vasanta rát
Kata pradoś kata prabhát
Chilo sáthe chande mete
Ár ki se gán gáibe ná

Roder belá cháyár belá
Kareche sukh-duhkher khelá
Jhaiṋjháváte vajrapáte
Tár ki ghum ár bháuṋbe ná

কত কাছে ছিলো সে যে
আজকে কত দূর
সে কি ফিরবে না
কাছে আসবে না
আজও আছে মনের মাঝে
স্মৃতিতে ভরপুর
কথা সে কি কইবে না

কত শরৎ বসন্ত রাত
কত প্রদোষ কত প্রভাত
ছিলো সাথে ছন্দে মেতে'
আর কি সে গান গাইবে না

রোদের বেলা ছায়ার বেলা
করেছে সুখ-দুঃখের খেলা
ঝঞ্ঝাবাতে বজ্রপাতে
তার কি ঘুম আর ভাঙবে না

He Who'd been so very nigh,
At present He is so remote;
Come again, won't He–
Close by He'll appear!
Even still He's mid the mind,
Loaded with mementos;
A word won't He speak!

Many nights of fall and spring,
Many eves and many mornings,
He had been along, rhythm excited by,
Another song won't He sing!

A time of sunshine, time sun-screened,
He's made a game of joy and grief.
By stormy wind, by lightning strike,
His sleep, broke again won't it be!


  1. ^ For details on the notation, see Roman Bengali transliteration.


  1. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan (2024) Prabhat Samgiita Songs 3001-3100 Translated by Acarya Abhidevananda Avadhuta (1st ed.) Tel Aviv: AmRevolution, Inc. ASIN B0DCV7BN7L ISBN 9798224917662 
  2. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan (2002) Acarya Dhruvananda Avadhuta, ed. Prabhat Samgiita Volume 7 (in Bengali) (2nd ed.) Kolkata: Ananda Marga Publications ISBN 81-7252-211-8 

Musical notations


Preceded by
Tumi kii sure gan shonale
Prabhat Samgiita
With: Kata kache chilo se je
Succeeded by
Path bechechi tomar ami