Kusumer papri sama anane

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Kusumer papri sama anane
Music and lyrics
by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
Song number 2609
Date 1985 April 20
Place Madhumalainca, Kolkata
Theme Contemplation
Lyrics Bengali
Music Dadra
⚠ Note
None of the information in this article or in the links therefrom should be deemed to provide the right to reuse either the melody or the lyrics of any Prabhat Samgiita song without prior permission from the copyright holder.
Location in Sarkarverse

Kusumer papri sama anane is the 2609th song of Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's Prabhat Samgiita.[1][2]


Roman script[nb 1] Bengali script Translation

Kusumer pápŕi sama ánane
Tumi esechile
Ámár mane
Jyotsnáy shashii sama hesechile
Ke tá jáne

Ruddha duyár jata chilo khule gelo
Mukta váyu vatáyane ghare je elo
Ajánáy jániye dile jáná hale

Maneri maiṋjuśáte mama
Tumi gopan vishva bhará bhiŕer májhe tumi ápan
Káche vá dúre tháko madhur svapan bhare
Tumi rayecho mor manane

কুসুমের পাপড়ি সম আননে
তুমি এসেছিলে
আমার মনে
জ্যোৎস্নায় শশী সম হেসেছিলে
কে তা জানে

রুদ্ধ দুয়ার যত ছিল খুলে' গেল
মুক্ত বায়ু বাতায়নে ঘরে যে এলো
অজানায় জানিয়ে দিলে জানা হ'লে

মনেরই মঞ্জুষাতে মম
তুমি গোপন বিশ্ব ভরা ভিড়ের মাঝে তুমি আপন
কাছে বা দূরে থাক মধুর স্বপন ভরে'
তুমি রয়েছ মোর মননে

With a face, flower-petal-like
You had arrived
In my mind.
With moonlight, like the moon You'd smiled;
But that, who realized?

All the closed doors, they got opened;
Through a window into home a free wind did enter.
Letting Unknown be discerned, You were recognized
At a lonesome site.

In only my mind's tiny bin,
You are hid; You are mine, throng of whole world amid.
Close or remote, pleasant dreams filling, You abide;
You have been in my surmise.


  1. ^ For details on the notation, see Roman Bengali transliteration.


  1. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan (2023) Prabhat Samgiita Songs 2601-2700 Translated by Acarya Abhidevananda Avadhuta (2nd ed.) Tel Aviv: AmRevolution, Inc. ASIN B0CBN6WX8T ISBN 9798223353959 
  2. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan (2001) Acarya Vijayananda Avadhuta, ed. Prabhat Samgiita Volume 6 (in Bengali) (2nd ed.) Kolkata: Ananda Marga Publications ISBN 81-7252-210-X 

Musical notations


Currently, only the following rough audio rendition is available.

Preceded by
Jeo na kache thako
Prabhat Samgiita
With: Kusumer papri sama anane
Succeeded by
Nijer katha balte gele