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Kiirtan (or kiirtana) nowadays is typically the chanting out loud of a specially empowered mantra, an 8-syllabled siddha mantra (perfect incantation). In Ananda Marga, the mantra used is Bábá náma kevalam. The language is Saḿskrta. The meaning is: Only the name of the Dearest One, only the name of Parama Puruśa.
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Featured songs
Prabhat Samgiita is the collection of 5018 songs (both music and lyrics) composed by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. The themes are as many and varied as the melodies, but underlying every song is a fathomless spiritual current. Read the lyrics, hear the music:
- Ego gets in the way: If my vanity is why You left, then please take it with You.
- My love is strong: Come what may, I won't forget. You alone make life worthwhile.
- He comes and goes but never leaves: He appeared within my heart, and all other attachments vanished. Now I chase the light, ringing me on every side.
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Did you know
- Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar gave a total of 5,018 songs, Prabhat Samgiita, all in the last eight years of his life?
- AmRevolution, Inc. has produced a free app for Prabhat Samgiita, suitable for all desktop, notebook, tablet, and mobile devices?
- PROUT Films is another project of AmRevolution, Inc, dedicated to the production and distribution of films on Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's life and teachings?
Who we are
- Sarkarverse is one of the two educational wings of AmRevolution, Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States with Charity ID: 45-4824461.
- Our mission is to present accurate and verifiable information about all of the many direct and indirect works of Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar.
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