Marmaramukhara madhavii mayate

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Marmaramukhara madhavii mayate
PrabhatSamgiita trilokesh.png
Music and lyrics
by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
Song number 0532
Date 1983 May 22
Place Madhumalainca, Kolkata
Theme Longing
Lyrics Bengali
Music Kaharva
⚠ Note
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Marmaramukhara madhavii mayate is the 532nd song of Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's Prabhat Samgiita.[1][2]


Roman script[nb 1] Bengali script Translation

Marmaramukhara mádhavii máyáte
Manera mayúr náce
Caiṋcala pavane liiláyita cháyáte
Hrday kii jena jáce

Katabár esechi kata bhálobesechi
Tabu dhará dáo ni mor ásane baso ni
(Áj) Megher kolete raodrera kheláte
Niirave d́ákiyá jái hrdi májhe

Sahe ná játaná ár
Khoṋjákhuṋji bár bár
Áj d́hele kańá karuńár
Eso káche tumi eso káche

মর্মরমুখর মাধবী মায়াতে
মনের ময়ূর নাচে
চঞ্চল পবনে লীলায়িত ছায়াতে
হৃদয় কী যেন যাচে

কতবার এসেছি কত ভালোবেসেছি
তবু ধরা দাও নি মোর আসনে বসো নি
(আজ) মেঘের কোলেতে রৌদ্রের খেলাতে
নীরবে ডাকিয়া যাই হৃদি মাঝে

সহে না যাতনা আর
খোঁজাখুঁজি বার বার
আজ ঢেলে কণা করুণার
এসো কাছে তুমি এসো কাছে

Madhavii is murmuring affectionately,
And so the peacock of my mind is prancing.
In a fickle wind flirting with the shade,
My heart, what does it crave?

Many times I've come, and much I've loved;
Still You won't be held by me nor take my proffered seat.
Today, in sunlight's play with cloud's embrace,
Silently, I summon Thee inside my heart.

No more can I bear the torment,
Searching constantly, time and again.
Having now dispensed a speck of mercy,
Please come near, You please come near.


  1. ^ For details on the notation, see Roman Bengali transliteration.


  1. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan (2019) Prabhat Samgiita Songs 501-600 Translated by Acarya Abhidevananda Avadhuta (3rd ed.) Tel Aviv: AmRevolution, Inc. ASIN B082X65YMB ISBN 9781386728276 
  2. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan (1994) Acarya Vijayananda Avadhuta, ed. Prabhat Samgiita Volume 2 (in Bengali) (2nd ed.) Kolkata: Ananda Marga Publications ISBN 81-7252-084-0 

Musical notations


Preceded by
Tomare dekhechi jabe canpara vane
Prabhat Samgiita
With: Marmaramukhara madhavii mayate
Succeeded by
Aji shravan ghana gahan rate