Tayoh siddhih saincare pratisaincare ca

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Tayoh siddhih saincare pratisaincare ca
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Ananda Sutram
by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti
Chapter 1
Sutra number 3
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Tayoh siddhih saincare pratisaincare ca is the third sutra of the first chapter of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti's Ananda Sutram.[1]


Purusa and Prakrti find their fulfilment in saincara (extroversial movement) and pratisaincara (introversial movement).


To explain this sutra, Anandamurti told, the existence of any entity is known by the process of its activity, thought or witness-ship. Now this witness-ship belongs to Purusa and the other two factors belong to Prakrti and so the fact of Prakrti being the causal entity of the stream of action and thought gets recognised only when She completely identifies herself with objectivity. This appropriation of objectivity by Prakrti depends on Her ever-increasing (saincara) or -decreasing (pratisaincara) influence on Purusa. Prakrti’s manifestation lies in the saincara and pratisaincara processes. In all these manifestations of Prakrti, Purusa exists not only as the material cause, but as the witness as well, in all states and conditions.[1]


  1. ^ a b Anandamurti, Shrii Shrii Ananda Sutram Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha 
Preceded by
Shaktih Sa Shivasya Shaktih
Ananda Sutram
With: Tayoh siddhih saincare pratisaincare ca
Succeeded by
Paramashivah Purusottamah vishvasya kendram