Template:Infobox literary works/doc: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 05:45, 27 April 2014

This template is used to present a consistently-formatted table for use in articles about books.


Author author
Original title title_orig
Working title title_working
Translator translator
Illustrator illustrator
Cover artist cover_artist
Country country
Language language
Series series
Subject subject
Genre genre
Published published
Media type media_type
Pages pages
Awards awards
ISBN isbn"
{{Infobox book
| italic title   = (see above)
| name           =
| image          =
| caption        =
| alt            =
| author         =
| title_orig     =
| orig_lang_code =
| title_working  =
| translator     =
| illustrator    =
| cover_artist   =
| country        =
| language       =
| series         =
| subject        =
| genre          =
| published      =
| media_type     =
| pages          =
| awards         =
| isbn           =
| location_in_Sarkarverse =