Module:UserLinks/shared: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 09:37, 16 April 2014

-- This module stores functions that are shared between Module:UserLinks -- and Module:UserLinks/extra.

-- Load data and define often-used variables local cfg = mw.loadData('Module:UserLinks/config') local namespaces =

-- Lazily initialise modules that we may or may not need local mCategoryHandler

-- Define namespaces for which links need to be escaped with the colon trick. -- See w:en:Help:Colon trick. local colonNamespaces = { [6] = true, -- File [14] = true, -- Category }

local p = {}

function p.maybeLoadModule(s) -- Attempts to load the module s. If it succeeds, returns the module; -- otherwise, returns false. local success, mdl = pcall(require, s) if success then return mdl else return false end end

function p.raiseError(message, section, level) -- Raises an error using the Lua error function. The error message is -- designed to be caught with pcall and then passed to p.makeWikitextError. -- The section, if specified, is the section name on a help page that gives -- help to users about that particular error. if section then message = message .. '|' .. section end if not level or level == 0 then level = 0 else level = level + 1 end error(message, level) end

function p.makeWikitextError(encodedMessage, demo) local errorMessage, section = mw.ustring.match(encodedMessage, '^(.-)|(.*)$') errorMessage = errorMessage or encodedMessage

-- If not a demo, get the error category link and pass it through -- Module:Category handler's blacklist. local category if not demo then category = string.format( '%s:%s', namespaces[14].name, p.message('error-config-category') ) mCategoryHandler = p.maybeLoadModule('Module:Category handler') if mCategoryHandler then -- Categorise all namespaces, but not blacklisted pages. category = mCategoryHandler.main{all = category} end end category = category or

-- Format the error message and the section link. local formattedError if section then formattedError = p.message( 'error-config-message-help', errorMessage, section ) else formattedError = p.message( 'error-config-message-nohelp', errorMessage ) end

-- Return the error message and the category inside html error tags. return string.format( '%s%s', formattedError, category ) end

local function formatPage(interwiki, namespace, page) -- Formats an interwiki, a namespace and a page into a wikilink-ready -- string. The interwiki and namespace are optional. If a namespace is -- specified, it should be a valid key to The page -- parameter is required. local ret = {} interwiki = interwiki or if interwiki ~= or colonNamespaces[namespace] then ret[#ret + 1] = ':' end ret[#ret + 1] = interwiki if interwiki ~= then ret[#ret + 1] = ':' end if namespace then local nsTable = namespaces[namespace] if not nsTable then error('"' .. tostring(namespace) .. '" is not a valid namespace key', 2) end ret[#ret + 1] = if namespace ~= 0 then ret[#ret + 1] = ':' end end ret[#ret + 1] = page return table.concat(ret) end

local function formatDisplay(s) -- Replaces spaces in a string with " " to make sure they don't wrap. -- Don't replace anything if we are substing, as we generally don't want -- to use " " in that case. if mw.isSubsting() then return s else return s:gsub(' ', ' ') end end

function p.makeWikilink(interwiki, namespace, page, display) -- Creates a wikilink. The interwiki, namespace and display parameters are -- optional. If a namespace parameter is specified it must be a valid key -- to local formattedPage = formatPage(interwiki, namespace, page) if display then display = formatDisplay(display) return string.format('%s', formattedPage, display) else return string.format('%s', formattedPage) end end

local function formatUrlLink(url, display) -- Formats a URL link with an optional display parameter. if display then display = formatDisplay(display) return string.format('[%s %s]', url, display) else return string.format('[%s]', url) end end

function p.makeUrlLink(s, display) -- Makes a URL link with an optional display parameter. The first input -- may be any valid input to local url = url = tostring(url) return formatUrlLink(url, display) end

function p.makeFullUrlLink(interwiki, namespace, page, query, display) -- Makes a link to the full URL of a page. The interwiki, namespace, query -- and display parameters are optional. If a namespace parameter is -- specified it must be a valid key to The query -- parameter can be a string or a table as specified in the mw.uri library. local formattedPage = formatPage(interwiki, namespace, page) local url = mw.uri.fullUrl(formattedPage, query) url = tostring(url) return formatUrlLink(url, display) end

function p.message(key, ...) -- Returns the message with the given key from Module:UserLinks/config. -- Extra parameters are substituted in the message for keys $1, $2, $3, etc. local msg = cfg[key] if not msg then p.raiseError( 'No message found with key "' .. tostring(key) .. '"', 'No message found', 2 ) end local noArgs = select('#', ...) if noArgs < 1 then return msg else local msg = mw.message.newRawMessage(msg, ...) return msg:plain() end end

return p