Shaktih Sa Shivasya Shaktih

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Shaktih Sa Shivasya Shaktih is the second sutra of the first chapter of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti's Ananda Sutram.[1]

Shaktih Sa Shivasya Shaktih
Ananda Sutram symbol.jpg
Ananda Sutram
by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti
Chapter 1
Sutra number 2
Location in Sarkarverse
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Ananda Sutram portal Ananda Sutram portal


Shakti (the Operative Principle) is the shakti (force) of Shiva.[1]


In this chapter Anandamurti ji described Purusa as the "all-pervading entity" and told, no one else except Purusa can be the material cause. On the other hand Prakrti is not all-pervading. Prakrti can only work as much as She is given opportunity to by Purusa. And so, in the science of creation, Purusa alone as the doer entity is the chief efficient or instrumental cause; and since Prakrti has been posing as the doer with the authority given to Her by Purusa, She is the subordinate efficient cause.

Anandamurti ji continued, the role of Purusa is foremost in all the spheres. Prakrti only acts to whatever extent Purusa has authorized or authorizes Her to act. In the process of evolution, Purusa gives Prakrti the authority to work, and She goes on working.


  1. ^ a b Anandamurti, Shrii Shrii Ananda Sutram Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha 
Preceded by
Ananda Sutram
With: Shaktih Sa Shivasya Shaktih
Succeeded by