
From Sarkarverse
< Template:Dtsa
Revision as of 09:16, 28 December 2013 by T12 (talk | contribs) (1 revision)
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This template, "Date Template Sorting Abbreviated" is similar to {{dts}}, but outputs the month name in abbreviated form (e.g., "Sep." instead of "September"). This can be especially helpful if the table where the date is used is tight on space.

This template is not as advanced as {{dts}}. It requires three unnamed parameters (year, month, and date, in that order, as numbers). It does not currently support BC dates. It does, however, support the "format" parameter (by default, it is "mdy", but it can be switched to "dmy"). It may be worth integrating this template into {{dts}}, but that template's code is so complex currently that it should probably be cleaned up a little before adding more functionality. If this feature is integrated into that template, this one can probably be changed to be a call to {{dts}} with any given parameters.