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== Ideation ==
== Ideation ==
Sarkar explains the ideation to be maintained while practicing Kaosikii dance as follows:
{{quote|The two hands upraised and folded together represent, "Now I am trying to establish a link with Parama Puruśa." Both hands bending to the right indicate, "I know the right way to request You." The bending of the body should be at a 45-degree angular projection. The leftward movement represents, "I know how to fulfill Your demands." The movement of bending in front suggests complete surrender. The backward bending represents, "I am ready to face all troubles that may come." The last tá, tá represents, "O Lord, I repeat Your rhythm."}}<ref>Anandamurti, Shrii Shrii (1979). "Dances and the Path of Vidyá" published in ''Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 12''. [[Ananda Marga Publications]].</ref>

== References ==
== References ==