Ami tomay bhalabesechi, tumi baso ki na na jani: Difference between revisions

Retranslated and removed PSUC flag
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|keywords=Prabhat Samgiita,Prabhata Samgiita,Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar,Anandamurti,Ananda Marga,contemplation
|keywords=Prabhat Samgiita,Prabhata Samgiita,Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar,Anandamurti,Ananda Marga,contemplation
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O lord,  
In love with You have I been;
I love you
What You feel, unknown it is.
but do not know whether you love me or not.  
At heart's core I've kept etched
Your portrait in lines attractive.

I keep you within the core of my heart,  
By the magic of dawn's color crimson,
sketching your image.  
What's in You we view in new fashion.
By the setting sun's blood-red color,
We sense You with fond attachment.
At the game of hues, a passing cosmic fest,
One and all, we concede You are the best.

In the morning's illusive crimson colour,  
Secretly, in the universal psyche,
I see you in a new form.
Day and night, You go on working.
In rhythm and melody, and in lyrics sweet,
I find you in the red colour of the love-filled setting sun.  
With enticement of love, You move on, dancing.
In the game of colours,  
Through worldly illusion with fascinating swings,
in the festivity of the world,  
By Your liila, spellbound are the living beings.
I accept you as the supreme.
In the cosmic mind,  
You secretly continue to work,  
day and night.  
With melody and rhythm,  
You continue dancing to the attraction of love.
All living beings become enchanted
by the charming swing of your great play.