
Revision as of 15:59, 25 January 2014 by T12 (talk | contribs) (1 revision)
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-- Replacement for Template:Time ago local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs

local p = {}

function p.main( frame ) local args = getArgs( frame, { valueFunc = function( k, v ) if v then v = v:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) -- Trim whitespace. if k == 'ago' or v ~= then return v end end return nil end }) return p._main( args ) end

function p._main( args ) -- Initialize variables local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage() local ago local auto_magnitude_num local min_magnitude_num local result local result_unit local magnitude = args.magnitude local min_magnitude = args.min_magnitude local purge = args.purge

-- Generate the "ago" string. If ago is the blank string, do nothing - this allows overriding of args.ago -- in cases where the module is used to generate something like "where he has worked for the past 20 years." ago = args.ago if ago and ago ~= then ago = ' ' .. ago elseif not ago then ago = ' ago' end

-- Add a purge link if something (usually "yes") is entered into the purge parameter if purge then purge = ' ([' .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle():fullUrl('action=purge') .. ' purge])' else purge = end

-- Check that the entered timestamp is valid. If it isn't, then give an error message. local noError, inputTime = pcall( lang.formatDate, lang, 'U', args[1] ) if not noError then return 'Error: first parameter cannot be parsed as a date or time.' end

-- Store the difference between the current time and the inputted time, as well as its absolute value. local timeDiff = lang:formatDate( 'U' ) - inputTime local absTimeDiff = math.abs( timeDiff )

if magnitude then auto_magnitude_num = 0 min_magnitude_num = timeText[magnitude] else -- Calculate the appropriate unit of time if it was not specified as an argument. local autoMagnitudeData = { {denom = 63115200, amn = 31557600}, {denom = 5356800, amn = 2678400}, {denom = 172800, amn = 86400}, {denom = 7200, amn = 3600}, {denom = 120, amn = 60} } for i, t in ipairs(autoMagnitudeData) do if absTimeDiff / t.denom >= 1 then auto_magnitude_num = t.amn break end end auto_magnitude_num = auto_magnitude_num or 1 if min_magnitude then min_magnitude_num = timeText[min_magnitude] else min_magnitude_num = -1 end end

if not min_magnitude_num then -- Default to seconds if an invalid magnitude is entered. min_magnitude_num = 1 end

local magnitude_num = math.max( min_magnitude_num, auto_magnitude_num ) local result_num = math.floor ( absTimeDiff / magnitude_num )

if timeDiff >= 0 then -- Past if result_num == 1 then result_unit = timeUnits[ magnitude_num ][1] else result_unit = timeUnits[ magnitude_num ][2] end result = result_num .. ' ' .. result_unit .. ago -- Spaces for "ago" are added earlier. else -- Future if result_num == 1 then result_unit = timeUnits[ magnitude_num ][3] else result_unit = timeUnits[ magnitude_num ][4] end result = result_num .. ' ' .. result_unit .. ' time' end

return result .. purge end

-- Table to convert entered text values to numeric values. timeText = { ['seconds'] = 1, ['minutes'] = 60, ['hours'] = 3600, ['days'] = 86400, ['weeks'] = 604800, ['months'] = 2678400, ['years'] = 31557600 }

-- Table containing tables of possible units to use in output. timeUnits = { [1] = { 'second', 'seconds', "second's", "seconds'" }, [60] = { 'minute', 'minutes', "minutes'", "minutes'" }, [3600] = { 'hour', 'hours', "hour's", "hours'" }, [86400] = { 'day', 'days', "day's", "days'" }, [604800] = { 'week', 'weeks', "week's", "weeks'" }, [2678400] = { 'month', 'months', "month's", "months'" }, [31557600] = { 'year', 'years', "year's", "years'" } }

return p