Samskrta glossary

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Samskrta glossary
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Samskrta glossary is an alphabetical list of words relating to Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's works with explanations and notes.


  • Abhava: want, vacuity
  • Abhaya: fearlessness
  • Abhiiśt́a: desired, one's goal[1]
  • Abhimána: inflated ego
  • Adharma: that which goes against dharma
  • Adhruva: changing, transitory
  • Aeshvarya: occult power[2]
  • Agni: fire[3]
  • Ananta: endless, without an end
  • Anádi: without beginning
  • Anirvacaniiya: inexplicable
  • Anitya:: transient
  • Apara: objective; controlled
  • Artha: anything (especially wealth) that gives temporary relief from suffering
  • Asteya: non-stealing[1]
  • Ádarsha: ideology
  • Átmabháva: consciousness[4]


  • Bhajana: devotional song(s)
  • Bhakta: devotee
  • Bhakti: devotion, see Bhakti
  • Bhava: the expressed universe
  • Bháśá: language[3]
  • Bháva: idea, ideation, mental flow
  • Biija mantra: acoustic root; particular sound vibration from which a particular type of action stems
  • Bodhi: intuition


  • Caetanya: consciousness[3]
  • Caraeveti: move on[5]
  • Chanda: Rhythm, metre
  • Citishakti: Cognitive Principle, Puruśa, Pure Consciousness


  • Dama: self-control[1]
  • Deva: god or deity, god in human structure[6]
  • Devii: a goddess, a female deity
  • Dhenu: Cow
  • Dhii: wisdom[1]
  • Dhrti: patience[1]
  • Dvitiiyá: second


  • Ekádashii: eleventh day after the new moon or full moon> Fasting on this day is advantageous
  • Ekaḿ: only one, unique



  • Gagan: sky
  • Gajá: elephant[5]
  • Gandhaja: a very small worm
  • Gátra: body
  • Guru: teacher



  • Indriya: organ[3]
  • Ista mantra: a personal mantra repeated in meditation[7]


  • Jagadbandhu: friend of the world
  • Jagat: world, universe
  • Jiiva: an individual being
  • Jiṋána/jiṋánam:: knowledge, understanding[2]


  • Karana: cause, reason
  • Karma: action, work
  • Krpa: spiritual grace
  • Krodha: anger
  • Kśamá: forgiveness[1]
  • Kundalini: coiled serpentine


  • Liilá: divine sport


  • Mahá: great
  • 'Mahapurusa: a person highly evolved psychically and spiritually, especially one who has consequently developed a charisma felt by other people
  • Maháshúnya: the great void
  • Mantra: a sound or collection of sounds which, when meditated upon, will lead to spiritual liberation.
  • Mantra caetanya: the awakening of a mantra; conceptual understanding of and psychic association with a mantra
  • Marga: path
  • Mukti: spiritual liberation
  • Muni: a saintly figure devoted to intellectual and spiritual pursuits


  • Namah: salutations
  • Nará: human[5]
  • Nava: new
  • Nidritá: sleeping
  • Niiti: morality



  • Pápa: sin
  • Pápii: sinner
  • Praváha: flow[3]
  • Priya: beloved, loved one
  • Preya: sensory pleasure,[8] malevolence[4]




  • Satsauṋga: good company
  • Shabda: sound
  • Shakti: Prakrti; energy; a deification of Prakrti
  • Shaocam: cleanliness
  • Shástra: scripture[3]
  • Shloka: a Sanskrit couplet expressing one idea
  • Shreya: ultimate and real goal,[9] benevolence[4]
  • Siddhi: Self-realization; spiritual attainment/fulfillment
  • Shrii: charm, activating charm[2]


  • Tantrika: practitioner of Tantra
  • Tattvadarshii: philosopher[3]



  • Vidyá: self-knowledge[1]
  • Vikára: transformation[3]
  • Vimukha: anger, permanent displeasure
  • Vinásha: transformation through destruction
  • Vicára: deliberation[4]
  • Viveka: conscience, power of discrimination between good and evil
  • Viiryam: stamina[2]
  • Vraja: the spirit of joyful movement
  • Vrtti: mental propensity




  • Yajiṋa: ritual sacrifice[3]
  • Yugas: four mythological ages, Satya Yuga, or Golden Age, Treta Yuga, or Silver Age, Dvápara Yuga, or Copper Age, and Kali Yuga, or Iron Age. These Yugas represent the step-by-step decline of morality and spirituality





  1. ^ a b c d e f g Shrii Shrii Anandamurti "The Ten Characteristics of a Dhármika" Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 4 
  2. ^ a b c d Shrii Shrii Anandamurti "Blind Mind and Conscience" Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 34 
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar "Views of Other Faiths" Táttvika Praveshiká 
  4. ^ a b c d Shrii Shrii Anandamurti "Online additional information The Five Kinds of Conscience (Viveka)" Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 7 
  5. ^ a b c Shrii Shrii Anandamurti "You Must Live Glorious Lives" Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 33 
  6. ^ Shrii Shrii Anandamurti "I Have Become a Hero" Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 34 
  7. ^ Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar "Under the Shelter of the Guru" Yoga Psychology 
  8. ^ Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar "The Practice of Art and Literature" Discourses on Neohumanist Education 
  9. ^ Shrii Shrii Anandamurti "The Call of the Supreme" Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 2