Ramananda Avadhuta

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Acarya Ramananda Avadhuta

Acarya Ramananda Avadhuta is a senior monk. He was directly initiated by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti and served for a long time as his personal assistant (PA).[1] Currently Ramananda is working in Ananda Nagar, Purulia District, West Bengal.


Early life

Ramananda was born in an orthodox Brahmin family. He was very fond of meeting saints and monks since his childhood. He was a believer in God, with a special attraction to Shiva.[1]

Works at Ananda Marga

Ramananda joined Ananda Marga in 1962. In early 1964, he received a letter from Acarya Abhedananda Avadhuta that Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar needed him. Following the letter, he became a whole-time worker of Ananda Marga in March 1964. He completed his Tattvika and Acarya training in the same year.

His first posting was as a principal of Ananda Marga primary school Raipur. He became Relief-in-charge II in 1965 and since then he is working in Centre. During the 1966—67 Bihar famine he was made central in charge to supervise the Relief activities of Ananda Marga Relief Committee which was renamed by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar himself as Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team in 1969. Since then Ramananda has held the position of Global AMURT Secretary continuously with the exception of 1998-1999.[1]

Literary career

As of October 2013, he is writing a book Ashutosh Baba (Memoirs of Dada Ramananda), which is almost ready. It is expected to be printed later in the year.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d Email interview conducted on 2013 October 17 by Ac. Abhidevananda Avadhuta on the basis of questions by Tito Dutta.