
Kgpg new.svg To edit, please log in.

Editing by unregistered users from your shared IP address or address range may be currently disabled. However, you are still able to edit if you sign in with an account. If you are currently blocked from creating an account, you may use this form to request a username. Please use an email address issued to you by your ISP, school or organization so that we may verify that you are a legitimate user on this network. Please reference this block in the comment section of either form.

Please check on this list that the username you choose has not already been taken. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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{{Anonblock|''optional comments''|sig=~~~~ (optional)}}

If there is an = character in the optional comments, you have to quote the first parameter, like this:

{{Anonblock|1=optional comments|sig=~~~~ (optional)}}

Important: Only use sig=~~~~ if you wish to sign the default blocking notice when used on a talk page. Remember that signatures are not substituted in the block reason field.

Please do not subst: this template as contact details may change in the future. This template was designed especially for use as a block reason as readers frequently attempt to email us before they even read their IP address's talk page.

You are encouraged to use this template as a blocking reason whenever you are blocking a shared IP. For blocks shorter than 3 months, it is recommended that you do not duplicate this notice on a blocked IP's talk page and instead use other user block templates to provide immediate notification to the vandal of the block. As this template is rather large, it is preferable that we do not have it displayed multiple times simultaneously for each talk page.

See also

pt:Predefinição:Anonblock simple:Template:Anonblock