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PrabhatSamgiita trilokesh.png
Music and lyrics
by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
Song number 2410
Date 1985 February 23
Place Madhumalainca, Kolkata
Theme Longing
Lyrics Bengali
Music Kaharva
Audio None available
⚠ Note
None of the information in this article or in the links therefrom should be deemed to provide the right to reuse either the melody or the lyrics of any Prabhat Samgiita song without prior permission from the copyright holder.
Location in Sarkarverse
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Abhidevananda/Sandbox3 is the 2410th song of Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's Prabhat Samgiita.[1]


Roman script[nb 1] Bengali script Translation

Tomáke bhuliyá chilám
Viphale din cale geche
Kata álo nive geche
Kata bhálo háriyeche

Ár játe náhi hoy samayeri apacaya
Satata bhávi tomáy ogo prabhu dayámaya
Krpá jáci báre báre rekho ná ámáy dúre
Saphal hok je kál ájao áche

Candra súrya tárá vahe tava priiti dhárá
Keno hoye dishá hárá ámári saḿgii tárá
Moreo lágáo tava káje

তোমাকে ভুলিয়া ছিলাম
বিফলে দিন চলে' গেছে
কত আলো নিবে' গেছে
কত ভালো হারিয়েছে

আর যাতে নাহি হয় সময়েরই অপচয়
সতত ভাবে তোমায় ওগো প্রভু দয়াময়
কৃপা যাচি বারে বারে রেখো না আমারে দূরে
সফল হোক যে কাল আজও আছে

চন্দ্র-সূর্য্য-তারা বহে তব প্রীতিধারা
কেন হব দিশাহারা আমারই সঙ্গী তারা
মোরেও লাগাও তব কাজে

O lord, having forgotten you,
my days have passed in vain.
many lights extinguished
and many good days are lost.
o merciful lord, i now remember you continuously
so that further time is not wasted.
i seek your grace again and again;
do not keep me away
so that the job in hand today is successful.
the sun, the moon and stars flow
in your current of love.
how can i lose the path when they accompany me?
please place me in your job.


  1. ^ For details on the notation, see Roman Bengali transliteration.


  1. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan (1999) Acarya Vijayananda Avadhuta, ed. Prabhat Samgiita Volume 5 (in Bengali) (2nd ed.) Kolkata: Ananda Marga Publications ISBN 81-7252-161-8 

Musical notations


Currently, no audio file is available.

Preceded by
Kon ajana jagat hate ele ele
Prabhat Samgiita
With: Abhidevananda/Sandbox3
Succeeded by
Ganer e gaungottarii