House-Entry Ceremony

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House-Entry Ceremony
Speaker Shrii Shrii Anandamurti
Date 1956
Place Jamalpur
Included in Ananda Marga Caryacarya Part 1
Location in Sarkarverse

House-Entry Ceremony is the 15th chapter of Ananda Marga Caryacarya Part 1 written by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti.[1] In this chapter Anandamurti suggested how a house-entry ceremony should be organised.[2]


Anandamurti instructed that at dawn after decorating the house with leaves, flowers, decorated pots, etc., the head woman of the family will enter the house followed by the other women of the family (initiated persons will mentally recite their guru mantras while entering). Then, as the women blow conch shells, the males of the family will enter the house, accompanied by invited male and female guests.

Then, everyone present in the ceremony will recite the following verse in chorus, following the ácárya/á or the eldest person present:

Oṋḿ madhu vátá rtáyate madhu kśarantu sindhavah;
Mádhviirnah santvośadhiih.
Madhu naktamutośaso madhumat párthivaḿ rajah;
Madhu dyaorastu nah pitá.
Madhumán no vanaspatirmadhumán astu súryah;
Mádhviirgávo bhavantu nah.

Oṋḿ madhu oṋḿ madhu oṋḿ madhu.

Meaning: May today’s entry into the new house be auspicious in all respects. May the neighbours prove sweet and pleasing to the occupants of this house, and may the occupants of this house prove sweet and pleasing to the neighbours. May every occupant prove beneficial to the house, and may this house prove beneficial to its occupants. May we be able to preserve, renovate and extend this house in the proper way. May this house give us peaceful shelter. Oṋḿ shántih, oṋḿ shántih, oṋḿ shántih.


  1. ^ "Caryacarya-Book.pdf" retrieved 2014-06-14 
  2. ^ Shrii Shrii Anandamurti "House-Entry Ceremony" Ananda Marga Caryacarya Part 1 Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha 
Preceded by
Laying of the Foundation Stone
Ananda Marga Caryacarya Part 1
With: House-Entry Ceremony
Succeeded by
Tree-Planting Ceremony