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“Caraeveti Caraeveti” – “Move On, Move On”
Speaker Shrii Shrii Anandamurti
Date 1978 November 12
Time Evening
Place Kolkata, India
Topic Start doing good work this very moment
Included in Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 4
Location in Sarkarverse
SVmap LiteraryWorks.png

“Caraeveti Caraeveti” – “Move On, Move On” is a discourse given by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti in Kolkata, India. The discourse was delivered on the evening of 1978 November 12. This discourse is the twenty second chapter of Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 4.[1]


In the past we observed that those who lost the very spirit of dynamism were the first to be thrown into the dustbin of history. We shall also see this in the future. Those who have become immobile, those who have lost the capacity to move forward, obstruct the path of dynamism. Those who don’t have the inborn capacity to move forward, that is the plants and animals, should not be criticized. But those who have the capacity, but don’t have the desire to use it, should be condemned, not because they are immobile, but because they are knowingly or unknowingly obstructing the movement of others.

Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

Anandamurti starts the discourse by saying that everywhere in the universe we find that there is a system. As electrons move around the atomic nucleus and planets whirl around the sun, so do all unit beings rotate around the center of the cosmological order (Brahma Cakra). Anandamurti then explains that in this hub of the cosmic wheel two forces are working: avidyá shakti is the force that pulls the jiivas further away from Brahma either by depraving thoughts or sinful actions and vidyá shakti is the force that brings the devotees closer to Brahma with the help of samvit shakti ( a decision to become a good person) and hládinii shakti (a decision to become a spiritual practitioner). Anandamurti goes on saying that God showers His grace on everyone with no partiality but common people do not feel drenched by Him due because they hold an umbrella of vanity over their heads. By dint of Sadhana one will be able to come closer to God and feel His grace.[1]


  1. ^ a b Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 4 
Preceded by
Remain United with the Supreme Benevolence
Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 4
With: “Caraeveti Caraeveti” – “Move On, Move On”
Succeeded by
“Caraeveti Caraeveti” – “Move On, Move On”